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Introduction of alphabets

We have just completed the second block for grade 1,  which is a language block. The main aim of the block was to introduce the letters of the alphabet in an imaginative and organic way. Students were introduced to 14 consonants; remaining letters will be dealt with in the next language block.

Letter writing is presented in a lively pictorial way with the help of fairy tales. “S” may be a fairy tale snake sinuously slithering through the grass on some secret errand. The teacher draws on the blackboard, showing how the letter is embedded in the picture – how perhaps the “W” is hiding in the drawing of the waves or “M” is hidden somewhere in the mountains. The children draw the letter in the air with their fingers, on the table or form the shape of the letter with their body using arms, legs and fingers – their whole being participates in the writing experience. Then the children make pictures or create an illustrated main lesson book as each letter is presented and experienced.

Why do we introduce letters in this way?

If you consider the letters we now use for reading and writing, you will realize that there is no connection between these letters and what a child of six or seven years is naturally disposed to do. When we confront a young child with such letters, we are bringing something alien, something that in no way conforms to the child’s nature.

The main aim of introducing letters in this way was to make them aware of the evolution of letters from the surrounding elements present in nature. The process also introduces phonics, i.e. connection of the letter’s sound, which evolved from the images in the stories.

Teacher Deepa

Class Teacher for Class I / II (combined)