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Class 4: Relating to the World

Fourth grader are becoming more independent in their learning and their lives. They are developing new capacities for academic study and are eager to work. They are curious about the world and how people choose to live in it.

Through the year, students learn about their environment and study Hong Kong geography and history. They are ready to take up an instrument and begin to play together as a class orchestra. The class also explores the animal kingdom and works with fractions.

The Norse myths are the story material for the year, as well as a strong emphasis on local culture and story. In these stories the separation of humanity from the heavenly worlds resulting in the loneliness of the individual is expressed. These stories are full of humor, courage and adventure against the forces of darkness and evil and the children respond enthusiastically to such images.

Main lessons
  • English; Mathematics; Local History, Local Geography; Animals and Human (Science)
  • Stories from the Norse Myths
  • Grammar work: writing; editing; punctuation
  • Pen, Paper, Ink: The History of Writing
  • Fractions
  • Long multiplication and division
  • Times tables used in many permutations
  • Free hand geometry
Chinese languages
  • Cantonese and Mandarin, using traditional Chinese characters
Science – The Human Being and Animal Kingdom
  • First observational science: phenomenology
  • Human architecture: the threefold form
  • Animals: form and function
Geography / History
  • Orienting the child in space: local environments
  • History: the local story
Other subjects
  • Form Drawing – Celtic knots, both free-hand and guided
  • Craft: Cross Stitch, Woodwork
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Games
  • Eurythmy
  • Singing/ recorder; rounds / canons
  • Class Play