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Woodworking at IWS

Every Thursday at 3:45 to 5:15 pm

  • Sep 27, Oct 4, Oct 11, Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 1, Nov 8, Nov 29, Dec 6
  • 9 sessions in total

Ages 7 to 10


Class size: 8 and up

$4,725 for whole term;
$3,780 for IWS students and siblings

  • Tools and supplies included

Instructors: Vivian & Justin @ Bespecial Wood Craft



Woodwork is a wonderful way of engaging children in physically and artistically challenging handwork. What children can do and know is always being extended by the open-nature of woodworking requiring children to be problem-solvers. They often model what they see others doing and with guidance children get tremendous pleasure from being able to master new skills and achieve what they could not do previously.

Woodworking provides an excellent play situation for children to engage in problem solving – an important skill for children to develop from an early age for their future. Children will also be developing eye-hand coordination, their spatial awareness, their sense of precision, and understanding how to use potentially dangerous tools safely.

Terms & conditions

  • In the event of a tropical cyclone/typhoon signal 3 or above, or a red or black rainstorm warning, all classes will be suspended. No make-up sessions or refunds will be issued in this instance.