Cooking with kids is not just about ingredients, recipes, and cooking. It’s about harnessing imagination, empowerment, and creativity.
Inviting children into the kitchen and involving them at a very young age fosters a habit that will have lifelong benefits.
Involving children in the process of cooking — plucking the herbs to add to a sauce and cutting up the fruits and nuts that go into a cake, for example — greatly increases the chance that they’ll actually try the finished dish. Through working with their hands and turning seemingly inedible ingredients into hot and steaming dishes, children develop a quiet confidence in their own ability to take care of themselves and others.
By exposing children to a wide variety of recipes and cooking methods, we help cultivate in them a welcoming and open-minded approach to food, which grow adults who approach life similarly.
Terms & conditions
- In the event of a tropical cyclone/typhoon signal 3 or above, or a red or black rainstorm warning, all classes will be suspended. No make-up sessions or refunds will be issued in this instance.